Thursday, July 16, 2015

Trim Healthy Mama THM Cookie Dough Cheesecake Shake - FUEL PULL

There are no chocolate chips in this shake but with under 220 calories and packing a full 35 grams of protein you won't miss it! Best of all coming it at 4 net carbs and 6 grams of fat this qualifies as a fuel pull (8 or less grams of fat, 10 or less carbs).

Cookie Dough Cheesecake Shake

4 oz cottage cheese
scoop of Jay Robb chocolate whey protein powder
1/2 tsp Glucomannan
2 tsp low fat cream cheese
scant 1/4 tsp salt
scant 1/4 tsp vanilla
1 tbsp Naturemate (or other sugar substitute)
2 cups of ice

Add all ingredients except to blender as listed and blend! Add ice once to the blender once the other ingredients are well mixed. My Vitamix powers through the ice easily but with a less powerful blender you may need to add the ice slowly.

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